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Here’s an interview with Ryan Kwanten from a German True Blood web site where he talks about his character Jason, his development in the second season and how Jason’s relationship to Sookie changes over the first two seasons.

1. How did you react when you found out that Jason was joining the Fellowship of the Sun in the second season after being such a womanizer in the first season?

That’s the blessing and the curse of this show, you’re constantly on your toes waiting for the next script to come out because they each just seem to one up the one before that. At first I was really wary and hesitant about the new direction because it was such a departure from where I ended the first season. But I really just felt after putting myself into that role that it was perfect. It was exactly where my character needed to go.


2. How did you feel about doing so much nudity in the first season?

I hope that they saw past the skin and saw other things there. But it’s definitely something that’s more confronting for Americans than for us Australians, because we’re slightly more open-minded in the culture I grew up in. But I think that’s the beauty of working for HBO and particularly with Alan Ball, the fact that it’s not just shock for shock value or gore or nudity for the sake of showing skin. It always has a certain subtext or a specific story point that they are going towards. I also think it shows Jason’s vulnerability even though he may be very comfortable with his body and with women and all that, it shows that he’s searching for a sense of belonging.

3. Your character has been described as ‘dim but lovable’. What do you think of Jason Stackhouse?

I’ve obviously had to live with him now for a few years. He probably is a lot like the descriptions that people use, but at the end of the day he is someone who is misunderstood. I think he’s still searching for who he is, which is why he joins this church-like organization and looks for answers in faith as opposed to women or alcohol. I think he’s such an impulsive guy and he’s so much fun to play because he really does just fly by the seat of his pants. There’s not a great amount of thought that goes into his actions so it’s quite electrifying to play someone like that.


4. What is his relationship with Sookie this season now that he has joined a group against vampires and she’s dating one?

He’s not aware for quite some time that he is in the opposing camp. Obviously, cracks start appearing, but he thinks he’s just purely there in an innocent way to help himself. But these things get bigger than intended and he soon becomes the knight in shining armor for this church-like organization who see someone like Jason and see that they can manipulate him and use him to their advantage. He certainly is taken down a very dark path and he almost realizes too late that Sookie is involved… but you’ll have to wait and see.


5. Do you think he’s grown or evolved this season because of his experiences?

Yes but there’s still the core Jason and he still won’t change. He’s still going to say what he feels and doesn’t really have the best filter in the business. There’s an old song that talks about ‘I think I’m getting older but I don’t think I’m getting wiser’ and I don’t necessarily think Jason’s getting wiser; I just think his experiences are changing him. Maybe it’s more of a sideways leap than a deeper understanding of who he is.


6. Can you compare what fame is like on this show to your experience on Home and Away?

The key difference is my age. Even though I’d done other shows before, Home and Away was the most public thing I’d done there and I was on it for four and a half years - and I still go back to Australia and get recognized as Vinnie so it’s quite extraordinary. It doesn’t disturb me and it doesn’t make me think that I’m going to be burdened with it for life because it was always such a good positive experience for me. But in terms of the actual fame, it was just a different kind of fishbowl. I’ve always been very much sort of a homebody and I don’t listen to blogs or critics because the joy for me in acting is the journey not the result regardless of the country I am working in or the type of show I am on. So I love being on set and doing all that kind of stuff and the actual end product is sort of a byproduct of what I do.


7. How do you feel about the way the show has turned into a phenomenon?

Yeah, at first it was like our own little beast that no one knew about. We were shooting this series that we felt was certainly special but at this point it was like raising a child that you’re not quite ready yet to give to the world. That was at the early stage. Then as the heat of the show started getting bigger and bigger and people started watching, it’s like your child was saying to you “It’s time for me to move out mom and dad and find my own wings myself.” So at a certain point you do give the ownership of the show away and you do give it to the people and I’m thrilled they love it so much.

8. What have been some of the memorable interactions you’ve had with fans?

I’m always amazed at the sheer demographic that we’re able to capture. It’s not the Twilight audience; it’s this really across-the-board group of people who tend to like this show. It’s both sexes and everyone from older teenagers to grandmas and grandpas. I really feel like there is something in there for everyone. There’s such a unique cast of characters and story points that you can’t help but be affected by at least one of them that you relate to more than the others.


9. What do people say when they recognize you?

If they don’t know a lot about me, they’re quite surprised that I’m not from Louisiana. I’ve had a couple people insist that I was putting on this accent for another role. I said, ‘no, I hate to disappoint you but I’m Australian!’


10. Does it feel like your career has changed because of the show?

Yeah, I’d like to believe that every role sort of led me to where I am and made me a better actor and a better person. I feel like I really have worked my butt off to get to this point and the doors are opened a little easier now.


11. Was it true that the movie Flicka helped get you this job?

Yes, Alan said in an interview that he saw the family movie Flicka and thought “Oh this is sort of like a G-rated Jason!’ So you never know what life is going to hand you and it’s proof you have to make the best of every opportunity. It may have just been a good-natured little horse film I did at the time to some people, but for me it single-handedly changed my career.


12. How does the cast get along?

It’s great. It’s such an eclectic bunch of people. We all come from different walks of life, different countries and different experiences and acting styles. When you put it all together it’s sort of this wild cacophony of madness that tends to work really well.

13. Have you settled into living in Hollywood?

I will have been here eight years in December and it’s a really good second home. Australia’s definitely still got my heart but I’m comfortable here. I live near the beach, which helps with the homesickness and I just think it’s more conducive to a better lifestyle. Even though it takes me a little longer to travel to work, it’s worth it.


14. Are you doing anything on your next break?

As soon as I finish work on the second season, I fly directly to Australia to shoot a film there called ‘Red Hill’ for five weeks. It’s like; ‘No Country for Old Men’ meets ‘High Plains Drifter’! I play a cop and it’s his first day in this country town and he moved from the city to help his wife have a not-so-stressful pregnancy but things just get worse and worse as the day progresses and there’s a maximum security break-out. So he’s not only left in charge of the town, he’s left to discover that things aren’t what they appear to be.

Ecrit par maria91 
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